We are creators and conceptors of wines, liqueurs, extra virgin olive oils, balsamic vinegar, sparkling wines from Italy and Switzerland.
An italian family with origins in South Tyrol, Sicily, Campania and Calabria.
Our ancestors experienced the countryside with its daily challenges and each of us has an innate respect and immense gratitude for its treasures.
The land, the climate and the seasons have regulated the lives of our ancestors for centuries and we have inherited the need to always be in contact with nature.
Nature is not just work, nature for the Guarino Family has always been inspiration, emotion and today, starting from this aspiration, we can offer products that speak to those who choose them.
We are not producers of wines, olive oils, liqueurs etc., we are artists who use nature as inspiration to fill a canvas or a bottle.
Our customers do not have cellars, but museums in which our works of art are jealously preserved.
Our collaborators are not salespeople, but souls sensitive to the aesthetic sense who transmit their enthusiasm to customers.