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Preparazione: 20′ – CottuPreparation: 20′ – Cooking: 30′

Donna Cristina recommends savoring them with: Greco di Bianco D.O.C. – Recioto della Valpolicella Classico Superiore D.O.C.G. – Passito di Moscato

Ingredients for 4 people
5 amaretti cookies
20 g bitter cocoa powder
2 eggs
70 g sugar

Wash and cut peaches in half
Rattle them off and dig a part of them
with a little spoon
Chop the removed flesh and mix it with the yolks of the 2 eggs, the hand-crumbled cookies and the cocoa
Snow an egg white with the sugar and add it to the already prepared mixture
Fill the peach halves with the mixture and place them on a baking sheet with parchment paper
Bake at 160oC for about 30 minutes.
Serve them warm or cold, depending on your taste